One Bad Egg…. written by Warren Bell
The federal government has just spent
$5 million dollars on a totally terrific cause. They’ve caught a
gang of Evil-Doers, a shadowy organization lurking around the edge of
decent society, aiming to pounce on innocent politicians and
corporations, eager to disrupt law and order and good governance.
One year ago, the government of Stephen
Harper promised to spend $8 million to root out bad charitable
organizations who were being “political” – that is, lobbying
for changes in government behaviour that the government itself wasn’t
ready to support.
Now Metronews-Vancouver reporter Katie
Gibbs has found out what happened this year past.
After closely auditing 880
organizations, our Prime Minister and his trusty lieutenants Natural
Resources Minister Joe “Tough Guy” Oliver and Environment
Minister Peter “Sniff-‘em-Out” Kent have found a pretty bad
criminal organization that was “getting political”
What they found was a bunch of doctors,
banded together in an organization brazenly called “Physicians for
Global Survival” (I mean, who gives a fig about global survival
when we’ve got the Oil (Tar) Sands on our side).
And the unspeakable actions this hardy
band of rogue physicians were promoting were… well, nothing small
potatoes like bombing the Parliament Buildings, or lying down on the
train tracks, or naked protest marches.
Physicians for Global Survival were
pushing to abolish nuclear bombs, and the uranium
industry consortium that supports them.
No wonder they had to go.
And Physicians for Global Survival
didn’t stop there. They were advocating for “the prevention of
war, non-violent conflict resolution, social justice and a
sustainable world.”
They didn’t even bother to hide it.
They spelled it out, right in the open – on their website. If you
don’t believe me, then go have a look.
You’ll see how really bad these guys
What’s more, it turns out that
Physicians for Global Survival have been getting away with this kind
of evil-doing for over 3 decades – flying under the radar, quietly
undermining the work of the beloved military-industrial complex and
corporate weapons manufacturers and the uranium industry for (gasp)
32 years – and all these years, previous weak-kneed, lily-livered
governments had turned a blind eye.
But no more.
Stevie and Joe and Pete are on the job.
This is a good news story. Physicians
for Global Survival have been caught and punished. They’ve been
forced to give up their charitable status, and create a whole new
organization that promises to never go rogue political again.
Now if they behave, then maybe their
new organization can have charitable status and grant tax receipts to
donors – as long as they behave.
But there’s more good news.
At the top I mentioned the government
had set aside $8 million to catch more bad guys. It’s true. But
they’ve only spent $5 million of it. So now Stevie and Joe and Pete
can get more bad guys next year – or maybe they’ll just get the
old ones all over again. Whatever.
And here’s one further piece of good
news. The Fraser Institute, full of good guys who just love to tell
it like it is, and appreciate nice donations from good old guys like
the Exxon gang, and those Koch brothers who love to have Tea Parties
– the Fraser Institute will never be shut down.
Because, you see, it isn’t political
at all – it says so in Section C5 of its Charitable Intormation
All the Fraser Institute does is
explain why the government has to do what it does – things like
catching evil-doers.
But now, I have to make a confession. I
have a big fat conflict of interest.
I was once president of Physicians for
Global Survival.
And I’m still a member.
And a supporter.
Sigh…..I’d better go down to the
jail-house and turn myself in.
Or maybe…maybe….I’ll just let
Stevie and Joe and Pete come and get me.
With those Three Amigos on the trail,
it’s only a matter of time.